Smiles of China

LO6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

Smiles of China is service group that works closely with the New Hope Foundation, an NGO that provides medical treatment and personal care for orphaned children in China. We emphasise the significance of achieving a sustainable future and predominantly focus on the first and third Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): ‘No Poverty’ and ‘Good Health and Wellbeing’, respectively. By joining the service group, I have become more aware of the issue of abandoned children in China and the great disparity in terms 0f access to healthcare, living environment etc. that diminishes the quality of life of these children, which ultimately contributes to the perpetuation of inequality and poverty. Inequality in various fields pertains to our society and is an issue that transcends international borders (society is combatting this issue globally) that continues to prevent certain individuals and groups from exercising their fundamental human rights and having access to equal opportunities, thus hindering the notion of human development. Therefore, I find significance in supporting the New Hope Foundation as it not only works towards enhancing the wellbeing and quality of life of orphaned children, but also works closely with the local community, which sheds light on this issue and contributes to greater cooperation from society. The projects launched by this service group have enabled us to make financial contributions to the NGO, allowing children to have access to better healthcare and support, while also addressing the issue of inequality and poverty as a whole.

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