Reflection and SMART Goal

Over the last few lessons in PSE, I have discovered some interesting things about myself that I have not specifically tried to pinpoint before. I have begun to understand myself more in terms of how I work and interact with people through awareness of my working habits – including the roles I tend to embody when working in groups – and my emotional intelligence. I have learned about the most desirable personality traits and how emotional intelligence can often lead to more lucrative success than raw intelligence. Finally, I learned about whether I am an optimist or a pessimist, although it is not always that clear seeing as it is more of a spectrum than a specific label.

In terms of the role I take up when working in a group, I have found that I am generally someone who prefers to be very structured and focused in the work being done and the process – someone who tries to keep others on track, as well as prompt their ideas. Although, I sometimes find myself in quite a creative state where I share ideas in a stream-of-consciousness fashion. I have also found that I have a relatively mid-range emotional quotient, in addition to being further towards an optimist on the optimist to pessimist spectrum.

Personally, I have enjoyed PSE and found it quite useful in relation to how it has helped become more self-aware and mindful. My goal for the rest of the year is to continue improving my mindfulness and to learn more about balancing personal, social, physical, and mental well-being.

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