Trust, Cooperation, Appreciation – My Project Week Experience

LO2, LO3, LO4, LO5 Project week is an enormous opportunity, especially considering the trust that the school puts on us to plan and travel to a foreign country on our own. I learnt so much about Cambodia, particularly the poverty crisis in Phnom Penh, and now have a much greater appreciation for the opportunities I … [Read more…]

Who was to Blame for the Slave Trade?

The most obvious answer is the European colonials, who bought and transported around 12 million Africans over four centuries. It is estimated that one million to two million probably died during this crossing of the Atlantic. However, Africans had practised slavery for hundreds of years before the Europeans got there. During that period, most slaves … [Read more…]

Critical Challenge Project Self Evaluation

Alex Scola Self-Evaluation The Learning Farm My Learning:  What information did you learn in preparation for the Critical Challenge project?  I think that I have learned a lot throughout this Critical Challenge. I have picked up a lot of raw knowledge and understanding of botany from the extensive research done online and through interviews with … [Read more…]