12:00 o’clock at night,

I lie on my right,

Smash holds my hand.


I look around inside my room,

All covered in clear white and blue.

The sound of thunder against my window,

I know the rain is coming.

I hold my teddy close to me,

In case I have a nightmare.


Just before I close my eyes,

I hear a voice so very soft.

”Jonny Murder inside your house!”

I hear the front door close slowly.

It creaks when it closes,

I hear 3 clicks very clearly.


I squeeze Smash’s hand, too scared to speak,

I close my eyes shut to ignore, but the voice comes back.

”Jonny Murder climbing up the stairs!”


Light footsteps echo after the voice,

I hope all the things and voices are happening inside my head.

My bunny and dog close,

I breathe in and breathe out.

I ask Smash,

”Whats going on? Will Jonny kill us?”

”No, we will live, just have faith and love. Think of something happy.”

She replies.


The voice is repeating,

”Jonny Murder is in front of your door!”

I cover my mouth to stop from screaming,

The door opens.

I pretend to be asleep, as rigid as a corpse.


I quickly peak at this ”Jonny Murder,”

But there is no one there.

Only a shadow moves on the wall.

The white curtain slides close silently,

Smash covers me for protection.


Footsteps are coming towards us,

I squeeze my eyes shut.

”Jonny Murder going to kill you!’


I scream……


Light burns my eyes,

I hear the windows opening.

Mother sits next to me looking worried.

I reach for Smash,

My hands search for her’s.

But she is not there.


I touch my throat.

”Am I alive?”

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