The importance of being Earnest book cover

Personally,  I thought that it would be interesting to make a cover without showing Earnest’s face.  Firstly, because Earnest doesn’t really exist though the play revolves around him, the audience never gets to see him. Secondly, it allows the audience to imagine their own image of Earnest. A reason as to why I drew a formal suit and tie is because it portrays a disciplined man who fits in perfectly into society. If “Earnest” is a part of the middle class, then the suit would make him into a man who is aspirational and wants to rise in the social hierarchy. However, if “Earnest” is a part of the higher class, then the suit ensures that he is a bit of a dandy and a person whom women faun over.


The font I’ve used adds to the mystery that lies in the centre of the play which is revealed at the end when all four characters confront each other and find out that there is no Earnest. I am hoping that the cover conveys some of the vacuum that the play is trying to reflect on the society in that time and the society now.

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One thought on “The importance of being Earnest book cover

  1. You should go pro! If you Google the cover, you’ll find a number of professional covers/posters that use an empty suit for “Ernest” . . . I think you’re onto something!

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