English – Steve Dawson

Today we met Steve Dawson and we learnt a bit about him and what he does. He used to work in Strait Times, and then worked for Fox Sports and he currently works in the ESPN. His first job was being an accountant for 5 years. He personally didn’t really enjoy his job, but, it really did help him with his journalism later on in his life. He wrote in some of the satellite magazines as well. While interviewing other people, he gave us a few tips that we should follow. The first thing was to ask open ended questions and to challenge the persons thinking. It is better if you don’t ask yes or no questions. Another tip that he gave us was to set the answer free and to not limit or set perimeters for the interviewee, and also to ask them how they are or how they are feeling. Not interrupting in what the interviewee is saying is helpful, and if you want to share your opinion, then share it at the end of the conversation. Another important point was not to ask two or three questions back to back, because it is most likely that the interviewee will forget the first question and will just answer the second one instead. Listening to the persons answer is very important so that you can understand what they are saying and so that you can ask follow up questions according to the previous answer. Changing the angle of which you ask the question is really important because many of the other interviewers will also ask the same questions but maybe from a different perspective. Being accurate plays a big role in journalism because you have to understand what is happening in the situation at that point in time so that you can write a detailed report about it later. The last tip is to be empathetic towards the interviewee so that they understand that you are listening to them and not going against them in any way.

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