
I think mum and aunt Marlene are talking in the other room. I really want to go listen I am always ignored by them, but I’m scared if they catch me snooping around. Whatever, it doesn’t matter I will listen. I can feel my heart racing pounding against my chest as I slowly tiptoe to the door to the room. I slow down my breathing and make my way to the room. I think I can hear a bit of noise coming from the room. I made it to the door. I can hear what they are talking about. Aunt Marlene and mum don’t seem to like each other I want to be like my aunt. She is great and she seems to have a great time in London maybe I can visit her in the future. They just seem to be talking about grown-up stuff I don’t really understand what is going on. Wait, did mum just say that I am stupid, lazy and frightened. Does she think that low of me, that I am not capable of doing anything? According to her, I won’t have a future I won’t be able to be like aunt Marlene. I can’t cry right now if I am too loud they will hear me. I don’t know what to do anymore I don’t have a future I’m scared and frightened of the future. I think somebody just left, I need to tell mum that I’m scared and frightened.

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