Creativity – Pottery- Reflection #1

For one of my creativity activities, I decided to do Pottery at school. I think in this activity specifically, I was able to demonstrate LO1- Increased awareness of strengths and areas of weakness. This LO is specifically about previous experiences with activities similar to this. Initially, I went into the activity thinking that it would be very easy and that I would be quite good at it, because I did work with clay during middle school and a little during G9/10. During my first session, I was able to figure out what my specific strengths and weaknesses were. I think my main weakness was the practical part of the application of my skills, which I had learnt from before. This will come from practice and developing my technique and practicing over time. My strengths were the creativity part, thinking of ideas and developing them.

Although I have only had two sessions so far, I think this activity has shown me how to be aware of not only my weaknesses, but also my strengths and to make sure that I use them to my advantage. I think it is important for me to reflect on this LO again soon, so that I can see my progress in self awareness for areas of improvement and my stronger areas. Some of the specific things I would like to reflect on, during the mid season reflection would be how have I improved my skills/technique, and in what ways have I struggled.

My main goals for this activity are to continue building on the foundation I have from previous experiences and to make sure that I develop my strengths as well as my weaknesses, and am aware of how I am doing.


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