NYAA- Healthy Living- December

December was quite focused on gymming, biking and kahaani once again. However, during this time my healthy living fitness regimen dropped a little bit outside of kahaani because of an injury to my knee. The first half of the month was pretty standard, normal kahaani rehearsals, however I stopped with my personal trainer. I started doing a lot more weight lifting by myself, because I was slightly more confident in my knowledge of it, after I had been training with the personal trainer after quite a while. Although it was pretty hard for me to record all the exercises I was doing, I have a video of my deadlifts, which I am still trying to increase weight and reps on. My biking was similar to November, and i tried out the running/biking mix as well.

The second half of the month was when my knee got pretty bad, especially during the break. I was unable to walk because the swelling was pretty bad and had to go for repeat MRI scans, thankfully it wasn’t as serious as the injury last year and it was easily resolved after I went to the physiotherapist. The main advice I had received was to make sure that I was continue strengthening it, for which he had given me some exercises. During this time, I worked a lot on my upper body in the gym as I couldn’t do that much with lower body. Below are some of the workouts I had followed.

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