NYAA- Healthy living- November

During November, I continued with gymming, biking and Kahaani Rehearsals.

The Kahaani rehearsals weren’t quite as active, however they were around 45 mins of almost continuous dancing (and yelling) once a week. At the end, it would end up being quite a good workout because there was quite a bit of movement and jumping throughout the practice.

For gymming, I continued with my personal trainer, making sure that I was learning the correct form of the exercises as to not injure myself. A typical session would include the following: starting off with a 10-15 min walk on the treadmill at incline 15 and speed 5km/h. This would get me sweaty and warmed out before I proceeded with the main exercises, this could include any body part, or it could be working on multiple muscles at the same time. They would normally have me dripping with sweat by the end. After this, we would move to some mat exercises, such as sit ups, leg raises, push-ups etc, almost as a cool down (a pretty tiring one as well). The last thing she would ensure to do before she left was help me stretch, this was essential to making sure that I didn’t pull anything when I worked out during the week. After she left, I would do 15 mins of cardio- either biking or elliptical before finishing. The workout would normally leave me sore for the next few days, but I made sure to go to the gym right after so I could maintain this routine.

Biking was pretty standard, I would either go by myself (my favourite!), with my sister/family or with my friends. I would normally bike 11-15km daily, or every day I didn’t go to the gym. towards the end of the month, my fitness regimen dipped a little because I had quite a bit of work, and a lot of tests and assignments. I also tried out something new, since I didn’t quite like running, I tried biking to a nice area where there weren’t many people, and the running for 1-2km and returning back to my bike, to cycle the rest of the distance home. This is something that I might try in the future again.

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