Project- Kahaani -Stage 3 and 2

Stage 3 and 4: Action and Reflection

Stage 3; Action. This part of the process was doing the practices, teaching the dance to the students who had signed up, and performing the actual show. During this stage, we were faced with a lot of difficulties due to irresponsible dancers, people dropping out, COVID restrictions and much more. There was a lot of focus on LO4- commitment and persevering through tough times during this stage. Despite all the difficulties we faced, we found a way to work through them and still make sure we did our job to the best if our abilities. Obviously this year was quite different because of all of the changes that had to have been made, and it was also my first time leading a dance showcase. this provided opportunity for growth and development of skills and also many areas for me to learn what I was good and what I needed to improve on, LO1- increased awareness of strengths and weaknesses. I learnt that I was actually quite good at the leadership aspect and getting people to listen to me, however an area I could work more on was the organisation and planning ahead of time. It was important for us to know exactly what we wanted to during one practice and make sure we managed our time well enough that we could finish it in that session. This was the part of process that I had the most fun at, because it was the final performance, and it was amazing to see the final product of all the hard work we had put in after the past few months.

Stage 4: Reflection. This is one of the most important stages, because it is when you look at everything that went right and wrong: you look at what you can work on for the next time you do something similar and make sure you don’t repeat the same mistakes. When looking back and reflecting on this experience, I looked at the most important things I learnt, including: communication and adaptability. Communication between my co dance leader and I, as well as with the other dance leaders and my dancers. It was very important to make sure we all knew what we were supposed to be doing at a given point of time to make sure everything went as smoothly and efficiently as possible. If I were to do the process again next year, I think the main thing I would try to focus on for next time would be to make sure that I didn’t waste time getting frustrated or annoyed at temporary things but tried to look at how I could adapt or change the current idea/plan into something that went along with the guidelines we were assigned. I would also try to make sure that I was well organised and planned everything properly from the beginning, so that I could plan for any extra time that would be used up during rehearsals. Overall, this was an amazing experience and really helped me develop my weaknesses but also showcase my strengths.

#LO1 #LO4


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