NYAA- Healthy Living- January

This month I have been working on going to the gym, doing some physio to try and get back to my original function with my knee, continuing with kahaani practices and biking. Kahaani took up a lot more time this season because there were a lot of longer practices before the final performances. During January, I also did something quite different that I hadn’t done in Singapore before, we went kayaking with some friends. It was around an 8km route, which isn’t quite that long but it was something different that I quite enjoyed and may try to do again if I have the opportunity to.

I also continued with badminton at school, so far we have had two sessions of badminton for 90 minutes. A session normally goes as follows: starting off with a warm up pertaining to badminton for the first 15 minutes- normally rallying or just warming up the upper body. After this, we did a more cardio specific warmup, which is stretching and then some lunges/running/sprints. After this, we do some drills like overhead clears, net shots, just to practice the skills. Then for the rest of the 30-45 minutes left, we play either single games or doubles with out partners, switching around teams and groups for variety. After this we would do a little bit of stretching a cool down before we finish up for the day.

In the gym, I repeated the same biceps and triceps workout that I had started doing in december, this provided some sort of regularity and repetition to help build more muscle. This was also to make sure that I was working on my upper body while getting back into shape with my lower body (especially the left knee I had injured). The second half of the month allowed me to do more cardio especially walking on the treadmill, as well as biking to regain the same mobility I had before in my knee. One of the workout structures I tried to follow but slightly modified is below.

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