NYAA- Service- Reflection #2

We are around halfway through G11, and service has been going pretty good! We did a lot of planning, goal setting, and recording of videos. During this time, we were doing a lot of planning for potential recording of videos as well as if we would get to meet the care centre in person.

We ended up recording two videos, and received feedback on the first video. Unfortunately, this feedback meant that we wouldn’t be able to send the second video as it was, and had to re-film it due to some of the feedback they had told us there were some things we had to change. We learnt quite a bit about the practical side of making videos, and the skills necessary to make that hap

pen (the editing etc.), but also a lot about the importance of communication and collaboration.

There were two very interesting opportunities that we got in the midst of all of the social distancing and COVID restrictions the government has put into place. Around the end of December, we were able to go and drop off the giving tree donations the school had collected for all local services. Although we still weren’t able to interact with the care centre, it was an opportunity for us to see w

hat it looked like and just get an idea of the people we were working with, from somewhere other than behind a computer screen. We also get to meet our partners for the first time, as they are coming to school for an introduction session the first time! This is quite an exciting opportunity, however it is important that we are well prepared for it, therefore we have had to make sure we collaborated and communicated well with everyone so that they knew what everyone is doing and what everyone is responsible for.

As soon as we have had a few more sessions and are ending the near of the year, I will have another reflection, hopefully with pictures and video updates as well!

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