PSE- Self Evaluation and plan for mocks

Normally in classes, I take a lot more notes during class as well as after class at home. So I will normally take rough notes in my books for the class, and then for my double sciences and psychology, I will transfer them and rewrite them, including everything from the textbook, presentations and things we learnt during class. This helps me make sure I have everything included in the right place and I don’t leave out anything.

Normally, if I have any questions or concerns, I will ask them during the lesson because it’s easier to have my doubts resolved by a reputable source such as my teacher than searching up my answers at midnight on google because I’m desperately trying to find out what to write in my IA 🙂

Because I have been in UWC since K2, we don’t have much exposure to examinations and exam conditions up until g9 and onwards, and because our IGCE’s were cancelled, I personally still haven’t had too much exposure to exams. However, the way I study for exams is by revising all the content early on and making sure I properly understand everything. This is also when I memorise whatever needs to be memorised. After this, I just practice by doing a ton of past paper questions and just practicing extra questions to make sure I’m ready. The last few things I will do is completing timed papers, to get myself familiarised with the environment and ‘feeling’ of how the papers will be.

Plan for the upcoming year and mocks:

How to make my learning more efficient and effective? I need to make sure that I am minimising distractions during the time when I am studying. Whether this means turning off my phone and putting it in another room or using the focus app on my computer, I need to make sure that I am only focused on the work in front of me and that I am not getting distracted by things around me. I also need to work on my time management and prioritising, I need to make sure that I finish the most urgent and highest priority work first, and then move on to the things that I have more time to complete. In order to do this, I can start making grids with separate sections for most urgent and highest priority, urgent but not prioritised, priority and not urgent, not urgent and not priority. I also think implementing a system like 60 minutes of work then a 5-10 min break will be helpful to help with time management and not getting burnt out or distracted while trying to finish the work.

What specific strategies can you use to learn and master content? I discussed some of the strategies to manage my time and be organised while studying. But I think the best way I learn is by writing down by notes and collating all of my notes before doing a bunch of exam papers.

How will you balance your study schedule? The same way I said above by taking breaks in between as well. I will also take longer breaks for lunch/dinner and making sure that I am doing some sort of physical activity every day. I can also sit downstairs by the pool and study if I need a change of scenery or trying to engage in a different way.

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