Weights Training

I admit that one of a reasons which led to me initially signing up for this activity was to fulfil the “activity” requirement in CAS- I had never been inclined to sports in any form. But over a few sessions, and with the encouragement and support given by my coach, Mr. Sul, I had gradually grown to realize not only the physical, but mental importance of staying fit, especially with such an intensely academic program that is the IB. I feel that gym has allowed me to take more control of myself in this respect, more so than my previous years when my experience with physical activities have not been all that positive. As far back as I remember, even in elementary school, being “active” in physical education class was something I silently dreaded. With gym though, because that onus is on you to maintain that habit and push yourself, I find that this is a lot more motivational in this respect.

For the first few sessions, I was completely overwhelmed by the physical demand and on my first session, I actually was sick afterwards. Finding that balance of challenging myself and not overstretching myself to the point of being counterproductive was something that I am still learning. With regards to pushing myself whether in weightlifting or running, I have found that it is as much as a mental game as much it is physical. When you think that you cannot do anymore, I find that having a friend or a coach encouraging you is also very helpful in this respect. Building up that habit of being regularly physical outside of school is something that I’ve wanted to do for a long time and never succeeded in doing, and now I hope that this activity will give me that motivation and push to do so, especially with my national service coming up after I graduate.

LO1- Identify their own strengths and develop areas for growth.

LO2- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

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