This time, I made a video about social media. It was my first time using iMovie to produce a video, so it was quite hard to make a high-quality video. However, I became interested in film throughout this opportunity.

These slides below are screenshots of progress of my work.

And these slides below includes our statements and storyboards.

Links for videos⇓

Link for the first draft

Link for the final video

Reflection on my work⇓

The most important thing I need to work on to improve my film during next lesson is using appropriate background music and sound effects more to help people understand the video better.

My final film is meant to be 2-3 minutes, and my video is almost 2 minutes. However, regardless of  length of the video, next time, I would like to use B roll effectively to make a video that is more aesthetic.

Of my FIVE statements about social media, the one that is the trickiest to communicate in the video is  ‘we rely on technology too much when communicating with each other.’ I say this because it was even hard for me to know which statement that part of the video is talking about just by looking  two people on their phones.


Self -Management

Describe and illustrate a time you needed to be optimistic when faced by a problem

 I faced with a challenge of using  iMovie to create videos because it was my first time using iMovie. Every process was a challenge. Even though I finished work at last, it look relatively longer for me than others to do so. But even though I faced difficulties, I am happy that I didn’t give up and carried on towards a goal. When I had problems while working,  I revisited instructions video on Teamie and acquired new skills.


Describe and illustrate a time when you had to contribute an idea to a classmate or your group

 I believe we worked collaboratively as a team helping and encouraging each other. I don’t know much about types of shots, so Pranav helped me a lot acquire basics about shots . I contributed in coming up with fresh ideas when working as a pair, particularly when we were making storyboards based on statements that we made. As a teenager and Digital Native living in 21 century, many scenes of people obsessed in Social Media crossed my mind. So I took notes whenever creative ideas popped into my mind and shared those with Pranav.


Describe and illustrate how communicating your ideas in the form of a short film has taught you something about yourself 

Among many old wisdoms,  ‘Quantity over Quality’ is really common but hard to comply with. This is one of the two things I thought about the most while making a short film. Sometimes, I tend to think that large quantity of work will bring better results and care about word count. It happens a lot especially when I have homework in areas that I don’t know well. However, from now on, I will try to value quality more than quantity. The other one is that an ability to communicate one’s ideas in short is really important for everyone. I have few experiences that I regretted after doing interview because I stuttered and couldn’t talk about things that really wanted to. Not only for me but for everyone living in 21st century, smooth communication is important.