Science Respiration Reflection

  I conducted experiment on respiration with Swasthi. Since we had all materials but we weren’t given direction on how to do experiment, we tried few different ways. At first, we put fermenting yeast in gas syringe and blocked it with clay. After that, we put gas syringe in the tube and filled the tube with hot water. Since carbon dioxide is released during respiration, we assumed that there would be bubbles and they could be a prove that shows respiration is happening. We did see bubbles and volume of material inside the tube increasing , but we couldn’t  figure out how to measure the rate. After finishing our experiment, we got to know that it is better to fix the gas syringe on the bottom of the tube and count bubbles.

I also wrote answers to choice one too. 

  • Basically, respiration is act of respiring. When you hear the word respire, you will probably think of breathing. However, there is a difference between those two words. While breathing is a physical process, respiration can be thought of as more of a chemical process. All organism, even including single cell organisms, undergo respiration. By respiration, the cells of an organism obtain energy by combining oxygen and glucose, resulting in the release of carbon dioxide, water, and ATP.
  • Every living cells need energy. All of this energy comes from the food we eat. The food is digested which means it is broken down into smaller molecules that are absorbed from the intestine into the blood. The blood transport all the nutrients to all the cells in the body. The cells take up nutrient they need. The main nutrient used to provide energy in cell is glucose. Glucose contains a lot of chemical energy. In order to make use of this energy, cells have to break down the glucose molecules and release the energy(ATP) from them.In stage one, glucose is broken down in the cytoplasm of the cell in a process called glycolysis.
  • There are three steps of respiration

1.stage one, glucose is broken down in the cytoplasm of the cell in a process called glycolysis.

2.In stage two, the pyruvate molecules are transported into the mitochondria. The mitochondria are well known as the energy “powerhouses” of the cells. In the mitochondria, the pyruvate, which have been converted into a 2-carbon molecule, enter the Krebs cycle. Mitochondria have an inner membrane with many folds, called cristae. These cristae increase the membrane surface area where many of the cellular respiration reactions take place

3.In stage three, the energy in the energy carriers enters an electron transport chain. This energy is used to produce ATP.

  • Sugar is same as sucrose, which is broken down into glucose in human’s body later on. So when you provide oxygen by blowing hose, there will be combustion reaction going on. Combustion reaction mostly accompanies heat or light.

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