CAS LO1/LO2/LO4 rugby

I wanted to play rugby because it is a sport that has always fascinated me. I never had any experience with such an extreme sport and always wondered how there good be good sportsmanship within such a brutal sport. However i know that it is this intensity within the sport that had attracted me to join it. i remember in the beginning when i signed up that i was planning on quitting because my friends and family told me that i could not handle it. I plucked up the courage and continued nonetheless. when i first got onto the field i must admit that i was quite nervous but seeing the other guys play gave me some confident that i too can do it.

when it comes to sports i feel that a strength i have is my determination. i dont like giving up and i had proved that to myself on the pitch when we had a tiresome fitness drill. although i wasn’t physically fit to complete it on time, i still feel satisfied by my will to have not given up in the middle.  i would have like to improve my stamina and become more disciplined by waking up early morning. My stamina has improved over the course of this season due to my involvement in this sport every week. i am certain i have improved a little in rugby as before i wasn’t even aware of the rules of the sport. i have come to realise that rugby also involves tactics and team collaboration for us to win. it is important for a formation to maintain when playing as i have come to learn that in rugby you can only pass the ball if your teammate is behind you. team coordination is very crucial for this which i have developed over the course of this period.

This sport has definitely been challenging in terms of the physique needed and the stamina to be agile and run quickly to get the ball. More than anything the biggest challenge i was looking forward to was the banging into one another. rugby is known for how vigorous and brutal the sport can be, but this was something i was looking forward to. there certainly were some challenges i faced in few training sessions when we had to block the other opponent charging in at us. i wasn’t as firm in my grounding as i though i was and in the beginning was just thrown away. i started getting used to the more intense training and i just never gave up. thats the only way i overcome such challenges.  my will is stronger than my weaknesses. i have developed the skill to play a new sport and work in a team effectively. i can see i have made progress as in my first session i was skeptical about rugby and later on i started to feel more and more comfortable with the sport. the fact that i gained confidence to play this sport means that i have learnt new skills and have improved from my first few sessions. although i keep on talking about importance of team work, it was actually one of the harder skills to learn. it was mainly hard because my other teammates already knew the sport and its rules and we didn’t know each other well. however my teammates helped me learn the sport and because of that we were able to become a good team. this skill will always be important to me due to the numerous places i can apply it to, including studies.

i have shown perseverance in this sport by trying to show up for every training session possible. i have been motivated to attend by my sheer will power to complete the challenge i set myself to. it was a new activity and i was learning something new every training day. my fellow teammates had helped me get familiar with the sport which made me more comfortable coming to training and for their efforts i thank them.

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