I have identified areas for personal growth in MUN. A weakness of mine was that i wasn’t able to speak  confidently for the first few sessions because there were a lot of new people in front of me which made me feel quite nervous. in MUN you have to work collaboratively to form a reso. you need diff viewpoints of different countries and need to make sure they are all sastisfied with the solution. i have seen clear benifits of working together as it helps to divide the work between all the people. before i only like to work alone however now i can see the importance of working together to get things done more efficiently. (lo5)Mun has helped me devrlop  the skills to be more interactive and social with people i have never met before but we have the same end goal.

moreover, going to various MUN conferences sheds light upon so many diiferent issues that the world is currently facing which i had no idea of before. it brings me satisfaction to know that by going to these muns i am participating in a global issue and doing my best to provide reasonable solutions to minimise the problems. for example i was not aware of the rohingya crisis in myanmar till i got to know about it in one my muns. although it may seem like i have no control over what goes on there, i still feel that i have helped raise awareness about it within my freinds and this is normally how a word spreads. it might be nothing big or fancy but i feel it is a start(lo6)

the reason i do MUN is to become a public speaker and gain the skills required. also i feel i can be quite confiddent in talking and influential. i feel these are my strengths in this area as i have a motive and a reason to pursue these motives of mine which is why i keep doing MUNs. an area of personal growth mught be to overcome stage fright. although i want to be a public and motivationa speaker, i cant help but think of the worst case scenarios that might happen. i would like to develop my confidence in approaching the stage and speaking fkuently while i do mun.(lo1)

to acheive this i havent missed out on any club meetings because i know the importance of perseverance and consistency in what you do to acheive excellence .(lo4)

lo6- crypto currency and government, sending money to families. governemnt interference


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