EE initial reflection 2

What did I do?

First, I searched up some sample EEs on Theatre to have an idea on what it would look like. I realized that it was mostly research done on internet and about 20% past experiences of the student himself or other actors. Furthermore, I talked to some grade 12 who have done EE’s last year on theatre and asked them how they came about doing it. They said that they had one research doc where they would COPY PASTE all ideas they found with the link so that they knew that when writing their EEs, they had to change the wordings.

(word count: 104)

EE reflection

    • one thing I’ve learned
  • I came up with my subject question and had a clearer idea on what to do. Also, I learned more about the theatre practitioners and different ways to approach it. I have also learned how to use Jstore and other resources to use in the future for my EE outline.
    • what I’m proud of
  • I’m happy because I found some books and sources to research better. Also, I organised my sources well so now I can find my information easily. And I am very interested in my topic so it makes the overall process interesting.
    • what I’ll be doing next
    • I am going to start writing my essay to have a clearer idea on what I’m doing.  Also, I am going to continue to develop on my research material and continue talking to my supervisor to make sure I am on the right track. 

Kahaani 2018!

Kahaani was a very fun experience for me as it allowed me to meet new people!

Furthermore, I enjoy dancing as I have participated in Culturama for the past two years. This was a chance for me to learn something different as I have never done indian dancing.

The highlight of my experience was: the very short lessons which made it easy to concentrate and it didn’t take too much of my time. Some challenges were that.

Some Challenges and how to overcome them

Today in service I faced a challenge.

I was playing with a man in my service but he wasn’t very responsive. He wanted to stay on his own, in his corner. So, I tried and make him a feel involved but it was challenging as it did not seem like he was enjoying it. He then started hitting himself with the racket (not very hard but still hard enough for me to call someone). Even though he was ok, I could not stop telling myself that it was my fault so I had a bit of trouble getting back into the game and was more cautious when playing with the others.

This experience taught me to be more careful when approaching them and maybe have a little more patience. If they do not feel like playing then I should let them be and try again later 🙂


Initial EE reflection 1

What did I do?

First, I searched up some sample EEs on Theatre to have an idea on what it would look like. I realized that it was mostly research done on internet and about 20% past experiences of themselves or other actors. Furthermore, I talked to some grade 12 who have done EE’s last year on theatre and asked them how they came about doing it. They said that they had one research doc where they would COPY PASTE all ideas they found with the link so that they knew that on the real doc they will have to change the sentences. It also made it easier for them when they wrote the bibliography at the end.

How did I undertake my research?

I started by searching why my subject was important. Then, I searched up many different stories about how different people have become a character even off stage to be fully committed to it and improve the acting. Then, I created myself a doc called: interesting anecdotes and copy pasted everything I could find on that subject.

What were the problems I faced?

Some problems I faced is that there are so many different ways you can come about method acting and therefore, I had to make a choice on the examples I wanted to choose. I just chose the ones that appealed to me the most and that I wanted to know more about.

What have been the high and low points of my research and writing process thus far?

Yes, sometimes I have trouble finding different information as on the website they start getting a little repetitive. So, I changed my technique and started talking to people who have experienced it first hand to get more perspectives.

Bring it all together!

  1. Where is your learning going? How will you apply skills, qualities you’ve developed outside of IFP?

During this IFP season, I have learned a lot about myself and who I am as a person. Especially in the personality test, I learned new aspects about myself or some things I have never thought about. I have a campaigner personality and I felt like that reflected my crazy personality. Reading about the campaigner personality, I learned about my weaknesses such as I tend to overthink to much or I can get stressed easily. Now I have the knowledge and I can try my best to improve on my weaknesses and therefore, help me in the future.

  1. What have you learned about collaboration? Have you learned to be more effective when working with others? What’s your biggest obstacle when asked to contribute to a team?

My biggest obstacle when asked to contribute with a team was to make sure everyone has a voice. Generally, there are always people that feel to shy or that overpower conversations and I have trouble knowing what to do in those situations. I think that I experienced both situations (depending on with who I am with) but I realised it is easier for me to stop talking when I am overpowering the conversation than speaking up when I am shy. This was particularly shown in the joint training with Dover. I had trouble giving my full participation as I was scared that my ideas weren’t as good as the others. To improve on that more I could maybe communicate my difficulty to speak up sometimes before starting the activity so that others are more aware.

  1. In what ways have you been a mentor to others this year? Where and when have you shown initiative?

To be honest, I don’t think I have been a mentor in the sessions. Yet, I contributed small things such as being very welcoming to new people that I have never talked to. I believe that this helped create a better environment within my group in the social media session for example.

  1. Which session has done the most to address your areas for improvement as a peace builder? How did that session encourage growth?

This year, the lesson about mentor group planning was where I have changed my way of being the most. Looking back at the results on the survey made me realise how much discrimination was happening behind the scenes of the school and it opened my eyes. It was kind of a revelation. This made me change some of my vocabulary and alter some of my jokes as I realised that most of my humour is based on mocking not individuals but groups of people. Of course, I never intended for them to be mean and that’s why they were called “jokes” but it made me realise that I have to be more careful and filter more what I say because some people might get hurt. As a whole, this session helped me improve my language.

  1. What have you learned about leadership & what qualities and skills have you developed in IFP to help  do this?

I learned that taking leadership is not particularly about talking the most but also contributing new ideas. This was mostly demonstrated to me when we did the lead facilitation. When we were sitting in small group before the facilitation, a lot of people that are generally more shy were contributing a lot to the conversation. Yet, when it came to facilitating in front of an audience they talked less and let others speak.  I found that interesting as this shows that what you see is sometimes not the “truth”.

  1. What has your engagement in IFP looked like your peers? What makes you say so?

Going back to the joint training at dover, I worked very closely with my group. I think that for them, it maybe seemed like I did not talk that much and didn’t contribute to the conversation enough even though I still wrote a lot. This may have been a bit stressing for them as I know how it feels when you are in a group and some people don’t contribute as much. Yet, in the actual conference I stepped up and contributed well to the conversations.

Related reflection post:

IFP conference 11/11/17