Mindfulness and how to lead a balanced life

“Only nothing can enter into no space” a quote I read a few weeks ago and ever since  it always replays on my mind. Sometimes a person thinks the more occupied they are the better it is, however in this process you tend to gradually lose a sense of yourself. To lead a normal stress-free life it is important to understand what your body requires and how your mind works. We shouldn’t give our selves or our brain  any pressure because we give our thoughts too much power and the actions aren’t positive on our body as we tend to exhaust ourselves way too much when our mind takes over and we start overthinking.

In order to lead a peaceful and enlightened life we must be mindful and practise activities that help our brain and ourselves relax. The fastest way to build up a strong level of mindfulness in you life is by developing meditation practise. One’s ultimate goal should be to implement it into their day to day life and to enjoy it and challenge themselves to do longer stretches of clear and peaceful attention to the present moment. If a person is restless or doesn’t have the patience to sit and meditate, they should do mindful waking which is intending to bring mindfulness into the very first moments of your day and living in the moment instead of waking up with the worst mood, not wanting to start your day and slamming the alarm. Try to think about how you could make your day better and be happy  instead of thinking about what test you have. You could also do mindful eating, no matter what meal your having remind yourself to come back into the moment, it will also help you into being more conscious about what food is going into your body and how you could notice the delicious tastes and smell in a mouthful of food and enjoying every bite of it. In this generation very few of us go outdoors but you must do whatever is of your interest and do it mindfully think about every step, think about what you enjoy and put your entire heart into it.

When listening to another person we are often physically present , but not mentally present. Very often, we are not focusing on listening to them; we are caught up in our own mind chatter. We judge what they are saying, mentally agreeing or disagreeing, or we think about what we want to say next. Next time when your talking to someone focus all of your attention on the other person. You’ll be amazed at the power of listening; it’s an act of love and kindness. People appreciate it deeply when you truly listen to them. You’ll also find that they’ll listen to you more fully when you speak and you can understand and express a lot more that way

Many of us rarely allow ourselves to slow down and be fully present for the precious moments of our lives, and we’re shortchanging our lives living like that. Physically slowing down helps us to mentally slow down. We get more pleasure out of life when we slow down like this. Take some time out to eat a meal and really connect with your family and friends and try not to be on your phone.

Nowadays the catch phrase has become “multi-tasking.” Some people boast of their multitasking abilities on their resumes or at job interviews, others do it among friends and family as they talk about the things they try to get done in a day. There is a myth that multitasking make us more productive; in reality, it drains us faster. Trying to spread our attention so thin and keep up with so many things makes us more prone to mistakes. We’re not more productive; we’re just busier, both mentally and physically, exhausting ourselves needlessly.

Try changing your focus to doing just one thing at a time. Take on each task with full awareness, one by one. When mindfully doing a task, you’re less prone to rushing, mistakes or forgetting details. You’ll find you can be more efficient with the task, and finish it without feeling worn out or tense. And always remember life is not a to-do list, you’re meant to enjoy every minute of it.

Especially growing teens need to be mindful because of the several mood swings they get every minute and the various thoughts that provoke them into overthinking which leads to anxiety. Mindfulness meditation is a growth of a person’s perception at the present time and some people think it is a unique way to overcome anxiety and discover great wisdoms in our minds. A person who practices this tries to get rid of unwanted thoughts. Mindfulness is one of the best things a human can do when it comes to relieving stress and people who think alcohol consumption would do the same, yes you’re right it would give you temporary happiness but it would damage your system and health, however mindfulness makes you a positive person, relieves stress and makes you stay healthy.

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