How my project was successful/not successful?-

After putting in great effort in this project , I think I can say that i have successfully drawn attention to the issue and it is a good resource for someone who wants to gain knowledge on it, since i have provided reliable data. I also think it was successful as the aim of the project was to gain further understanding and knowledge on the topic we were researching and in this process I learnt a lot. However, the only part i think wasn’t successful is that i provided excessive information and maybe i should have used my video skills and created a documentary instead of a podcast.

What have I learned through this whole process? – science and personal skills

I have learnt a lot during the process of this project, not being a science student makes it hard for me to process the information as I need to get into the depth of it in order to understand it completely. In this project I researched on quite a few aspects on how AI is changing the world and will continue to change the world. I learnt and gained knowledge and understanding on what AI really is? how and why AI will change the world? how people will get affected by the transformation AI is making in the employment aspect, and whether AI is as intelligent as humans. Making a podcast was a first for me and maybe it was not a perfect podcast, however i gave my best for my first attempt and learnt new things about how to talk and present information verbally.

What impact might the result of my project have on other people/the wider world?

Hopefully it will make people aware about the future and how artificial intelligence will take over the world in a couple of years, and the different ways and jobs it will potentially affect, so that they can start altering their lives from now so that they suffer significantly less in the future.

What I would have done to improve my work?

In my opinion I have provided excessive information and maybe i could have conscised it. I think instead of a podcast i could have used my video skills to make an engaging animated video.

What I’d do to develop the project in the future?

I would like to go for a program or workshop on Artificial intelligence to gain experience and have a deeper understanding on it, in order to make another video in the future to make people aware on what is going to hit them in the future. I would maybe make an initiative to first start with something in the UWC community and then ultimately go globally.

I have learnt a lot throughout this project and I hope to make a change in the future.

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