For the past few months, each person in the group has been brain storming ideas in order to launch a unique product.

We were either given an option to work individually or collectively in order to come up with an idea we would like to launch. I chose to work collectively with three other people. We worked collaboratively to brain storm ideas, with each person having a unique one. However, in this process we had to be aware of the possible obstacles we would face in this process which include not being a Singaporean citizen and 18+ in order to legally sell a product. However, I showed my perseverance by working towards different alternatives such as

We came to a conclusion to make masks with the UWCSEA logo on it and sell it in the school shop. In this process I enhanced my team work skills as we assigned each person in our group a particular area to research on for our product. In order to manufacture the product we had to research on retailers who would provide us with plain masks, and someone who would print the logo for us in order to reduce our costs.

I planned each activity in order for us to work efficiently. We put down our ideas on a collaborative document, which I would also spend time on outside class showing commitment towards this activity.


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