EE Reflective Conversation #2

Even after completing 1000 words of my EE, the topic still feels incredibly vast to effectively conquer within its word limit. This has come to be one of the major challenges of my research because there are many ways that I can continue with my topic, so having to trim down paths of analysis makes me feel nervous and doubtful about how my work will turn out after a complete first draft is finished. Additionally, it has come to my attention that even at this point, I am unable to provide an answer to my research question. This is quite a concern for me because I realise that I have spent roughly 4 months on this topic. After some reflection, I realised that this can be attributable to the magnitude of factors that contribute towards my topic, however, this leaves me even more apprehensive about the coming few months, where I have to provide a conclusion for this topic in my essay.

Word Count: 160

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