Podcast Review Post

In today’s Digital Perspectives class, we listened to 3 podcasts (2 of which were made by our peers), and made to answer the question, “Do we worry too much about the effects technology has on our lives?” Here is the link to the first podcast I listened to, called Digital Overload. Here is the link to […]

Podcast Project Planning

For our current Digital Perspectives project, we are working in pairs to complete a tech-related challenge and create a podcast based on our experiences. My partner for this project is Pranav, and here is the link to our project planner. Firstly, we set ourselves calendar reminders so that we remember when to do the daily […]

Stop Motion Video

Throughout the past few weeks in Digital Perspectives class, we have been creating a stop motion video based on a vignettes that we had written in English class previously. My partner (Daniel) and I chose to base our stop motion video on Ady’s vignette, which was about daily life in his home city of Mumbai, […]

Social WEdia Final Post

For our Digital Perspectives project, we were meant to make a brief video about social media that depicts 5 of me and my partner’s beliefs regarding social media, using somewhat advanced filming techniques. Before starting, we did extensive planning regarding both the social media and filmmaking aspects of this project. This can be seen in […]