I think today was quite eventful for me. After my meeting with Mr Stirrat, I developed a sense of understanding on what areas was I supposed to focus on. Since I hadn’t started researching productively before today, my first goal was to get good and reliable sources, which I could use to develop my essay. This didn’t take too long and I found eight good websites, which have the data I was looking for and I was pretty proud of that. In the meeting, it was also established that I was to focus on the market structure theory, and get evidence for that while also being able to draw the diagrams. I have also understood that, for my 1000 word submission, I’m just supposed to focus on the theory, evidence and diagrams. I have started to develop on the theory, and have obtained evidence from the various websites I have sourced, however, it is not complete yet. Thus, my goal moving forward would be to use this evidence to explain the theory which I wrote, while also being able to construct diagrams, supporting my theory. Overall, I think I have obtained a sense of what I am going to do next, and the structure of my essay.

EE Day Reflection
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