LO2 and LO4: Movies like The Wolf of Wallstreet and The Big Short have painted the image of an investor as an interesting smart and cool character who cleverly makes his money off the stock market making predictions nobody ever saw coming. To take my first steps towards becoming this amazing suited millionaire I joined the Investment society. The investment society was a student-led society that focused primarily on raising awareness about the ways that one can use to create objective predictions about the movement of stocks. Having absolutely no experience in the field I walked into the society like a clean slate. I had joined in later than the others as I got to know about the society halfway through a season which meant I would need to find ways to catch up as well ask first build the basic knowledge they assumed people interested and engaged in the stock market would have before joining the club. Luckily one of my friends who shared a free lesson with me was running the society and therefore, I scheduled to meet him for 30 minutes every week besides for the society to understand the basic building blocks of the stock selection system. As the season went on terms like technical analysis and fundamental reviewing became words I would use daily from ones I had never heard of. After the first season was over and most of the society understood the fundamentals of investing, our society leader introduced online month-long simulation competitions that ran till the end of the second season. Through this experience of actually trying out the theories, I had developed in the safe environment of simulations like Marketwatch I was able to learn the differences and errors that can prevent theoretical knowledge to translate to the stock market and this taught me the skill of learning and adapting my theories to the market condition. The knowledge I gained in the investment society eventually impacted my academics as well as I chose to investigate the mathematical theories used worldwide to rationalize the movements of stocks for my mathematics internal assessment.