RC3 – Viva Voce

When I began to gather my data for my EE I realised that with my current research question I wouldn’t generate enough data to effectively draw a conclusion. Therefore I edited it to compare the max lift to drag ratio produced against the camber of the aerofoil, thus factoring in the angle of attack creating a truer to life experiment. If I could further or repeat my experiment I would definitely consider different aerofoil shapes as I limited myself to the NACA 4 digit series but it would have been interesting to see if the relationship remained consistent across dramatically different wing shapes. I wouldn’t expect to find one relationship that works across all aerofoils but rather observe the differentiation between them and thus how important the camber is for each. I think I have used the most appropriate strategies I had access to as my simulations were highly accurate and I compared them against data from simulations used by engineers and physicists in this field, however, if I had access to a wind tunnel it would be very interesting to be able to compare my own experimental data against the theoretical data.