How to approach an IO

  • internal justification, victimising themselves to justify wrong actions as revenge
  • later putting themselves in positions of power in order to justify their responsibility for justice
  • wallowing in self pity
  • involving others (friends and the gods), believing they are on the same side

structure of the IO:

  • plan each individual point with the quotes you want to connect them to
  • introduction: 2 bullet points
    • title, author, time and context
    • what is being explored in both the texts? how to they connect?
  • first text and second text: 3 bullet points each.
    • Connect each point with a quote as evidence
    • sum up the general context of each scene (literal)
    • connect to rest of body of work and global issue
  • conclusion: 2 points. use a quote to tie it elsewhere in the texts, and end with a questions that forms the following conversation in something you want to talk about

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