End of Year Reflection

Tolerance inclusion respect:

Relationships: Consent; Bystanders; Healthy and Abusive Relationships; Dating Safely

After the lessons on these topics; how prepared are you to recognise and respond to someone who is in a dangerous situation- why or why not? How did theses lessons clarify your thinking?

One think these lessons really made me realise was the difference being a bystander or taking action can really make. Often as bystanders we assume someone else can handle the problem, but the video we watched showed me how really it can take on a ‘domino effect’ – if we don’t act, nobody else will either.

Diversity and inclusion:

Bias; Stereotypes; Micro aggressions;

Do you have biases? How did our lessons highlight these biases? or not? Do you feel equipped to recognise and or call out micro aggressions in our community? Why or why not?

As a human being, I definitely have biases- but I think the importance lies in having awareness of these biases and knowing to not pay attention to them or overcome them in day to day situations and circumstances. I can definitely recognise a lot of types of microaggressions coming from many sources in my daily life, but calling them out is something that I may still struggle with. I think this is a topic I may need to do some deeper thinking about before I really become comfortable calling out microaggressions in the different communities I am a part of.

Name three key skills or understandings you gained this year from the PSE course this year ?

Awareness, the importance of action, open-mindedness

What key skills or understandings do you most want to take forward into grade 12?

Dealing with time management and procrastination, dealing with mental health issues, sexual assault

Beyond academics- what are some of your goals for grade 12?

Learn the basic skills I will need in University – learning to cook, finances/ budgeting etc.

One Reply to “End of Year Reflection”

  1. rje@gapps.uwcsea.edu.sg says: Reply

    Thanks for your reflections and in class participation this year. I hope some of the skills and knowledge you gained this year is useful in the future.

    Have a good holiday.


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