Kahaani Final Reflection

LO3 INITIATIVE planning and initiating activites

LO4 COMMITMENT showing perseverance, resiliance

LO7 ETHICS considering the ethical implications of action

The show is over! Now that the final product is complete, it is much easier to look back in hindsight and evaluate both my strengths and weaknesses. While I think the extensive planning my partner and I did definitely helped establish a schedule and order for the dance, it definitely left little room for spontaneity or flexibility. It often put strain on both us and the dancers to try to adhere to such extensive planning, especially as both my partner and I became stresses when changes to the plan were made. In the future, I would not respond the same why as it became that once the final show was complete, minor details were not as important as we believed they would be, and having fun was much more important.

At times I found maintaining motivation was quite difficult, especially as some dancers tended to be quite uncooperative after a long day. Perseverance and resilience was definitely a skill that I had to develop in order to ensure we could learn everything in time and nobody was uncomfortable with what was going on. I found that constant encouragement was very helpful for the dancers who were less confident in their skills, while encouraging dancers to help each boosted everyone’s confidence as well.

When rehearsing the final stages of the dance, often dancers would come up with different moves that they (and we) liked more, but were not socially distanced. They suggested that even though social distancing was mandatory, we could change the moved for the final dance so that the committee could not do anything. Times like these are when I had to face ethical decisions, where I decided it was most important to ensure everybody’s safety and remain respectful to the committee as well.

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