Grade 11 Initial Activities and Service commitments

My activities this season consist of both physical and mental activities.

On the physical aspect, I have joined the U19 football team in my school, playing as the goalkeeper. I am also playing and training for a U17 football club outside of school, called Red Star F.C.

As for my intellectual activities, I have re-joined the Model United Nations (MUN) Delegate training activity, where I will be able to join MUN conferences throughout the year. Additionally, I have joined the Historical Society, as learning and discussing about historical events is a passion of mine.

In terms of my service commitments, I have re-joined the Blue Dragon GC and joined a service called “Memoirs of a Pioneer Generation”. Blue Dragon is a group that operates in Vietnam with the goal of giving housing, education, nutritious meals and supportive mentors to street children. In addition to this, Blue Dragon also aims to prevent sex trafficking in Vietnam and China, and have rescued thousands of girls trafficked to China, along with raising awareness in local towns and villages. Every year, our school holds a Blue Dragon Photographical exhibition at the Hilton hotel in Singapore, although in recent years this exhibition has evolved to showcase artwork, dance and music mostly created by the children and teenagers of Blue Dragon.

Memoirs of a Pioneer Generation is a service that aims to collect stories of Singapore’s pioneer generation, and combine them into pieces of writing, videos and through other forms of media.

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