Student Led Marimbas – Preparing for performance

Our marimba club plans to perform at the Family Fest this year. In order to make the most of our time on stage, we are practicing the theme songs of Pirates of the Caribbean, the Little Mermaid, and Imagine Dragon’s On Top of The World. Prior to find out out about this great performance opportunity, we had been practicing every Wednesday. In order to perform well, we have not taken to meeting during other times to continue practicing our pieces. We have learnt to play the Marimba as a team through numerous run throughs of all three songs.

I believe I have accomplished LO 4, as I have continued to practice marimba, despite historically not enjoying the playing of music. However, I enjoy the songs we are playing, and also enjoy working with a different group of people, so I have been enjoying the playing of Marimba. It has occasionally been hard, but I persevered and keep practicing my parts, which will hopefully results in a good performance during Family Fest.

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