Memoirs of a Pioneer Generation Final Reflection

1st post:

2nd post:

Final Reflection Video: 

Football U19A 2019 Season

In this season of football I played for the school’s A-team in the ACSIS league, as a goalkeeper. Although I have been playing as a goalkeeper for years now, I still managed to make improvements to my ability through training and matches. The season started quick with a pre-season tournament, where I played alright. Although I was the substitute goalkeeper, I managed to get a lot of game time in the league. Additionally, I also got to play in a few matches at the Dragons tournament, where I played well enough not to let in a single goal.

Asides from improving my football skills, I also got to know my team-mates quite well. Although I was already friends with the seniors on my team, football provided me with a great opportunity to talk with the players in the younger grades.

Overall, I believe this was a really good season of football for me. I improved my skills, got to know people, and just generally enjoyed my time with the team. I believe I achieved learning outcome 5, because football is all about collaboration. During games, I had to communicate and work well with my defence in order to help my team win. Additionally, Vir (the other keeper) would train with each other in order to help us both improve.



Blue Dragon – Final Reflection

After 4 years of being part of the GC, my Blue Dragon journey has come to an end. And what a year to end it on. My final Blue Dragon event was the circus performance, done in collaboration with the Blue Dragon kids and our school’s circus club. This event served multiple purposes: It raised awareness and money for Blue Dragon, and it gave the Blue kids an opportunity to showcase their talent to our community.

It was fun being involved in this long process. At the start, Tom and I would delegate tasks to other GC members, and help where needed. As the event drew closer, we took on a more involved role. We went around the school hanging up uncountable posters that promoted the circus. We went to the practice sessions beforehand. We even came to hang out with the Blue kids on the weekend.

Although I didn’t perform any circus acts, I somehow ended up performing a minor role in the actual performance. I was able to use my drama “talents” in a transition act. Although I didn’t volunteer for that as I preferred a more backstage role, it was still fun to be involved in.

When the show finally finished, I had mixed emotions. On the one hand, I was happy that the show went really well and that the audience enjoyed the acts. On the other hand, it was a weird feeling knowing that I had participated in my final Blue Dragon act. When I joined in grade 9, I never knew how much of an impact Blue Dragon would make on me. I didn’t think I would be part of this GC for my entire high school experience. I didn’t think that I would go to Blue Dragon for the majority of my Project Week. But I’m glad grade 9 Kevin decided to join.

I think I fulfilled learning outcome 7, because I am aware of the consequences of the actions I made in GC. There are the quantitative results like the money our GC raised for Blue Dragon, but there were also qualitative impacts. Seeing the smiles on everyone’s faces after the circus performance and knowing what it means shows that what we did really made a positive impact.


Student Led Marimbas – Preparing for performance

Our marimba club plans to perform at the Family Fest this year. In order to make the most of our time on stage, we are practicing the theme songs of Pirates of the Caribbean, the Little Mermaid, and Imagine Dragon’s On Top of The World. Prior to find out out about this great performance opportunity, we had been practicing every Wednesday. In order to perform well, we have not taken to meeting during other times to continue practicing our pieces. We have learnt to play the Marimba as a team through numerous run throughs of all three songs.

I believe I have accomplished LO 4, as I have continued to practice marimba, despite historically not enjoying the playing of music. However, I enjoy the songs we are playing, and also enjoy working with a different group of people, so I have been enjoying the playing of Marimba. It has occasionally been hard, but I persevered and keep practicing my parts, which will hopefully results in a good performance during Family Fest.

Student Led Marimbas

I have decided to join my first creative activity in high school this year. This is student-led marimbas, and the activity involves learning marimba pieces to perform. These pieces are usually covers of movie theme songs, such as the Pirate of the Caribbean theme song. We are currently learning that piece. I have never played marimba before, but do have some musical knowledge, so I have already made significant progress in learning the instrument. I will need to continue practicing with the Marimba before I can play at performances, but I look forward to this challenge.

Blue Dragon – Becoming co-chair

Thomas and I decided to run as co-chairs for Blue Dragon, as we have both been involved for numerous years. Both of us are running for chairs because we believe that we have good ideas for the GC. One such idea is to raise money through mentor time activities, such as dodgeball. This would garner interest an help raise awareness, along with hopefully prompting people to donate some money. This is a new challenge for me, as I will be taking a more involved role than what I’m used to. However, I will welcome this challenge, and hopefully will be able to accomplish something worthwhile.

I believe I have achieved learning outcome LO 2, as his is a new challenge, and I will need new skills. These skills will involve planning large activities, and delegating tasks to others in my GC. I will also need to collaborate with my co-chair Thomas, so that we can work as one person with similar objectives.

Blue Dragon – Start of Year Post

For the 2018/2019 school year, I have decided to join the Blue Dragon GC once again. I have been involved with Blue Dragon since taking a service trip to Hanoi in grade 7 and 8, and officially joined the GC in grade 9. Despite rejoining the GC, this year will likely be different from my previous experiences, as there will no longer be a exhibition due to legal reasons. This provides new challenges, but also new opportunities for change, as the GC will need to find a new event to raise both awareness and money. I plan to remain an active member of the GC, and may even run for chair to play a larger role in Blue Dragon.