3rd EE Reflection

My research method for my topic was quite effective, as I resulted with lots of research from numerous different sources. My research was organized under the author it came from, which was organized into which argument it would support. This allowed me to begin planning my essay even during the research stage. I believe this strategy was appropriate for my essay, as I was able to easily analyze different perspectives on the Tet Offensive. If I was to undertake my research again, I would consider gathering research from more Vietnamese primary sources. Most of my sources was from American authors. If my research contained more Vietnamese sources, I would be able to increase my ability to analyze their perspective on the Tet offensive. This could’ve led to a more balanced essay. That being said, I still believe that I provided a nuanced argument with ample consideration for all major perspectives, even if most of my sources came from American authors. There were further areas I wished to write about in my essay that came up in my research, such as the symbolism found in the Tet Offensive, which the essay’s world limit hindered my ability to further evaluate. 

EE Second Reflection

My extensive research into my EE topic has been completed which allowed me to focus on finishing the written aspect of the essay. My method of conducting research has remained largely unchanged, although I have organized my materials to allow me to make comparisons between historians in a more convenient manner. This allows me to collate all relevant information needed to analyse the historiography available. Additionally, I have added some analysis next to my research notes, to remember why I wrote those specific notes. My understanding of the research process has shifted slightly. I realized that not all research needed to necessarily be directly quoted within the essay, some could simply be utilized as contextual knowledge. Although not all of my research is directly added into the essay, every extra piece of contextual knowledge enhances my ability to provide meaningful analysis. Overall, the development of my essay has been progressing efficiently. 

EE Writing Day Reflection

During today’s extended essay day, I completed a lot of work. I began writing my essay’s introduction in order to work towards the May 22 deadline of 1,000 words. However, I spent most of my time conducting additional research using school resources. Thanks to the supervisors, I learnt about using different types of sources as evidence for my essay. Prior to this, I had only been using historical books as evidence, before learning that I could also use documentaries. This was useful to learn as I now have access to even more sources to use as evidence for my essay. My next step will be to start applying my research by continuing the writing process so that I can write 1,000 words before the May deadline.

First Reflective Statement

I immediately knew that I wanted to write an EE topic on any historical event in Vietnam, in order to learn more about the history of my mother’s country. I focused this down to an event in the Second Indochina War, which was refined into researching about the Tet Offensive. I brainstormed ideas with my history teacher to reach my current research question, which is about the causes of the Tet Offensive. In order to minimize any bias I find in my information, I am planning to use historic books from both American and Vietnamese authors. By using a research organization document that my supervisor recommended me to use, I am able to structure what I am learning, which will help me format my actual essay. I have hitherto finished a fair amount of research, and plan to continue researching, before starting my draft in a couple months.