NYAA November post

My name is Zhongyi (David) Sun, I am currently in Grade 9 at UWCSEA East Campus, and I have started my recordings of many activities since September. I have done Surfaid for my service (it’s because the “main” service activity will be starting in February next year). I have done Bersama (choir), Fast-break basketball and pre-season basketball for my healthy living. Till now (end of November), I have completed 29.5 hours of healthy living and I have completed 7 hours of service. It’s because I am quite new to basketball at the beginning of the year (I haven’t been officially trained before this), both pre-season, and Fast-break basketball training programme had improved my basketball skills very well. At the beginning of the year, I could even make 3 free-throws out of 20 of them, however, after several months of training, I can now do around 13 of them out of 20! To me, that’s a huge improvement! In Bersama choir, I learned a lot of other singing skills such as drone (since I sing bass, I have to “drone” a lot) Also, I joined Surfaid because I want to help people who are not as privileged as us. We did a wonderful fundraising event not long ago and it was very successful. My aim for the future is that I want to continue on what I am doing right now!

 (Photo of the fundraising event)


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