Writer’s Fortnight Reflection

“Our student-writers rose to the challenge, producing authentic, responsible and powerful pieces.”  How far does this describe your experience?

This describes my experience very much. I have learned a lot of things from Writer’s Fortnight, all of the guest speaker’s experiences and stories are very interesting. My feature article is based on one of those guest speakers and I have developed the refugee crisis she (the guest speaker Ms. Joy Haugen) was talking about into a bigger issue which is the Rohingya Muslim Refugee Crisis. My piece is authentic and I have done a lot of research in order to create this piece of work. It is a challenge for me as I never experienced their (Rohingya) experiences and thus I used an interview towards a Rohingya mother to express how severe this refugee crisis is, I have overcome this challenge and I am proud of my Feature Article.

I look forward towards next year’s Writer’s Fortnight!

One thought on “Writer’s Fortnight Reflection

  1. David this article is very well written and crafted. I completely agree with you that the writers fortnight interviews and talks were extremely interesting and taught me a lot about how different people have had different life experiences.

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