Creativity, originality + initiative

In my design project, I have demonstrated my creativity, originality skills and the ability to take initiatives.

In my criteria 2, I have explored some of the existing products on the market, however, I did not find any that can be suited on the balcony in my place. Thus, I have stated the already-existing product pros and cons, which is concluded in my design specification (See the previous DT post).

After that, I began to investigate the environment on the balcony, where my product is going to be placed.

Additionally, I have started drawing some ideas which are potentially going to become the final constructed product for my client, who is my mom.

Then, I started to analyze those products, and gave them marks accordingly, as well as learning what aspects of those products can be taken into considerations for the construction of the final product.

To summerise, by demonstrating these works, I have clearly shown my creativity, originality skills, also, my ability to take initiatives of planning for construction to help with the current problem in my house.

2 thoughts on “Creativity, originality + initiative

  1. Hey David! I really enjoyed looking over your design ideas and the steps you took towards designing your product. I think that your design ideas are very creative and original, seeing that each of them has its own unique shape and user interface. I also like how you took the time to analyze the intended environment to ensure that your finalized product will be suitable.
    I am curious about what inspired you to use the unique shapes when designing your different ideas because from what I can see, the existing products have very similar shapes.

    1. Thank you for liking my designs and the project overall! I originally created one drawing and developed it into other design ones with somewhat different functions by changing their shape, size, as well as the user, interface with some inspirations from the research on the current existing products. And the end result is these very different drawings!

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