Technology design + programming

During my design project, I have used many programming skills in several different machines to help me shape different materials and explore various possibilities in which I can approach my client’s problem.

At the very beginning, I have used laser cutting machine to cut out some shapes in cardboard and joined them together which enabled me to explore some design opportunities as well as potential prototypes for the final product.

When planning for the manufacture, I have used Fusion 360 to create some CAD drawings for my final product, below are some of the orthographic drawings that I have made prior to the product construction. By using technology design and programming, it enabled me to view my product as a whole as well as splitting it into different pieces, ultimately, it made my construction process easier and more manageable.

To begin with my final product, I have used the laser cutting machine to shape out the acrylic boards for my front and back panel.

Additionally, I have used the CNC machine to cut out my desired shape of wood, in my product, I have used teak.

Throughout the process, I have explored the possibility of using 3D programming to make some pieces of my product (such as the front/back panels) using a 3D printing machine with ABS plastic.

Below are some of the final rendered drawings made in Fusion 360, which is made in par with my construction process for the final project. It represents the final outcome very well (last photo).

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