Some argue that advertising is a corrupting and manipulative influence in our lives. To what extent do you feel this is true or untrue?

Digital Advertising v/s Digital Marketing: Know The Difference.

I believe that advertising is not corrupting or manipulative to a large extent.

It’s because of my perspective of that advertising is a way for businesses to expand their market as well as promoting their products/services. I don’t deny that people nowadays are getting more exposed to various types of advertisements, especially those who live in downtown areas or busy cities/countries such as Singapore. However, I feel like it is the people’s own choice to decide if they need that product/service in the advertisement. Perhaps it’s something that they need which is shown in the advertisement, then they can decide if they want to purchase. If not, they can walk away.

Thus, ultimately, it is the consumers choice whether the advertisement is going to affect their decisions or not. And advertising will not affect most consumers decisions by a large extent, as it is something that is seen as normal in the modern world. People can choose to notice or not notice it.

To conclude, personally, I don’t think that advertising has a corrupting and manipulative influence in our lives.

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