What Students Are Saying About Humor in Tough Times, Expectations for Summer 2020 and Apologies – The New York Times



Humour is power.

Humour, is an important element of life. It’s OK for us to laugh in these times. “Levity does not diminish tragedy”, one said. Laughing is one of the best mechanisms that our body have to cope with the dark and painful situations like what we are currently seeing. Laughing gives you power, humour gives people power. When people laugh, this activity stimulates the motor region of the brain to become active, and that’s what produces the physical reaction of laughing and the vocal expulsion of sound. Laughter also boosts heart rate and the production of certain antibodies, which strengthens our immune system. Thus, laughing is never a bad thing. During dark times like this, laughing can encourage people to become more enthusiastic. Enthusiasm is what we truly need, for now, and forever.

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