1st reflection, CREST Science project

Monday, 18 May 2020.

It has been a couple of weeks since this project is introduced to us, students. We have conducted a lot of planning as well as decision-making, such as using Padlets to brainstorm ideas, as well as a google slideshow “gallery walk” for students to comment on each other’s project ideas and make them more specific. In our initial stages of planning, everyone had somewhat problems getting a grasp of what this CREST project is, and what it is asking students to accomplish. Fortunately, our teachers thoroughly explained the process and aim of this project, that is when most of us had their research topic decided.

Personally, I was always interested in the area of science. And recently, I got introduced to the field of quantum computing by once reading an article of how quantum computing can change the world. This is the reason why my research topic is “Quantum supremacy and the future of computing.” Then, I began to think about the topics I should discuss in my research/communication paper. And I came up with the initiative of comparing and exploring the difference between traditional supercomputers and quantum computers/chips. As well as a discussion of what the future of computing is going to look like.

I look forward to researching and investigating this topic further and in-depth as well as being able to communicate effectively and meaningfully to the audience.

One thought on “1st reflection, CREST Science project

  1. Thank you for explaining your initial stages of this project so well. I am pleased you can explore this area of interest and I cannot wait to learn more about your topic through your work on it!

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