Lions Befrienders – Local Service – Connecting Seniors, Enriching Lives

Today, 14 September 2020, I have started committing to Lions Befrienders – again!

I have been in Lions Befrienders since I joined the school in Grade 9. And I was nominated for the chair of the service since then.  I look forward to this year’s local service experience as we have new members joining. The mission is to provide friendship and care for seniors to age in place with community participation and enabling them to enjoy meaningful and enriching lives.

#LO1 Awareness: As mentioned above, I have been in Lions Befrienders since Grade 9. Thus, I know what is needed further in this service group. I had led the group for years, thus I understand what needs to be done to make this service better for our partners, as well as reflecting what went well and the way going forward.

#LO3 Initiative: This service was an initiative. As we do not have a lot of these care centres around the world focusing on the wellbeing of elderlies. This Social Service Agency was formed in 1995 by the Lions Clubs of Singapore and Lions District Project. Our service group regularly plan for new activities to enjoy with the elderlies and reflect often on the progress. If there are changes to the plan suddenly, we often adjust to the new plan as fast and as effective as possible.

#LO4 Commitment: I have been participating in this service group two years ago when I joined the school. I have always been motivated to do this service, it’s because I feel a connection to the elderlies every time they smile at us, I also know how important it is for seniors to actively age. It’s that which motivates me to continue to contribute and lead this service group.

#LO6 Global Value: Our service group addresses the problem of the ageing population. This is a problem across many countries. It is significant because many seniors have mental implications due to lack of support from their families/friends. This is why we need organizations such as Lions Befrienders to help them actively age and provide them with physical and mental support.

#LO7 Ethics: This service group often tackles learning object seven which is ethics. We have to make ethical decisions every time we have to come up with new game/activity ideas that we plan to do with the elderlies. Every member of us have to participate and interact with elderlies, additionally, we have to make sure that every senior is feeling comfortable playing with us. Sometimes we have to adapt to what they prefer, which helps me and the whole service group to learn.

I look forward to this year’s local service sessions and I look forward to working with new and old members!

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