Surfaid – Global Concern

Surfaid International is an international organization that focuses on the wellbeing of villages and communities in remote islands in Indonesia.

#LO6 Global Value: As mentioned, Surfaid is an international organization, and our activity in Singapore does contribute to actions and projects happening in those villages in Indonesia. Thus, we need to have a sense of global value and connection in order to maximize our learning outcome.

#LO7 Ethics: Since this is a global organization and our Global Concern group is a part of it, we have to think some ways to fundraise in order to help with Surfaid’s projects in Indonesia. During those fundraisers, a lot of our income generated is by selling Surfaid merchandises. This is where ethics often come in. It’s because there are a lot of companies nowadays uses unsustainable material and labour. Thus, we have to check the production and materials they use in products before actually ordering them. The decisions we make will have a negative impact on the environment and workers’ wellbeing if we are not careful. Thus, we always check with the product manufacturer and verify before ordering any merchandise.

I really look forward to this year’s Surfaid and I am interested in how it will go! We have many members joining this year and I look forward to working with them as well!


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