What does “Success” mean to you?

Success happens when one can accomplish their own goals they set in the past. If one is happy, they are successful. If one is in a field of study that they are interested in, they are successful. If one has positive and stable relationships, no matter if they have a big friendship group or a small one, they are successful. If one has the skills they need to fulfil their goals, such as being organized, caring or open-minded, they are successful. If one is satisfied with their own academics, they are successful. If one is happy and grateful for what they have, whether it’s financial freedom or making just enough to sustain, they are successful. If one has accomplished things memorable in life, such as parachuting or rock-climbing, or having loved someone, they are successful. Being successful has a different meaning to everyone, what is important is that we have to make the best uses of our time and achieve the goals we set for ourselves.

Posted in PSE

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