Georgette Chen – Eulogy or Obituary?

I believe this article discussing Georgette Chen’s “life-story” and artworks is effective at spreading awareness of this Singaporean “national figure” to the public, in preparation for her exhibition at The National Gallery. It is a publicity release.

The article was published in 2020 – 27 years after Georgette Chen’s death – showcased her accomplishments, developed the idea of her journey as a painter, and expanded on her personal friendship links around the globe.

I would personally say that this article classifies more into a eulogy than an obituary. Although it was published 27 years after her death, it included all the things a eulogy expects – providing context and her importance/relevance to the audience. However, what is different between this article and a typical eulogy is that a eulogy is often hosted for people who are directly related to the person who passed away, whereas the audience of this eulogy/publicity release is the public who are interested in Georgette Chen’s artworks/painting style (Nanyang Style)/life & history.


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