SEAMC 2019 March 1st-3rd

From 1 March to 3 March (Friday, Saturday and Sunday), for 3 days, our school (UWCSEA east campus) sent 5 teams of 3 to the Singapore Institute of Management to attend the South East Asian Mathematics Competition.

The 3 days of competition (8 hours for the first day, 10 hours for the second day, 12 hours for the third day, 30 hours in total) were fun and intense at the same time, we get to do a lot of different types of things (strategy games, teamworking games) which are all connected to maths. There are nine games in total which we did throughout the 3 days:

I came to the 2nd place among the total of 180 students in the competition in the game “Duel”, which is a strategy game.

(Picture of the award session’s podium)

In the award session, I got 6 metals, bronze for “Creativity”, gold for “Strategy”, bronze for “Knowledge”, silver for “Individual” and bronze for “collaboration”. I also got one “Overall metal”, and my place in the competition is the 11th out of the 180 students. I got the most in our school team as well. I also got the “golden ticket”, which is the invitation form to the WMC, the World Mathematics Competition which will be happening from 30th June to 6th July 2019 at the University of Melbourne in Australia.

(Photos of the medals I got during this competition)

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