How Can You Tell a Story About Your Life Right Now Through a Few Simple Numbers? – The New York Times

What does your life look like right now by the numbers? Choose at least five aspects of your daily or weekly routine and tell the story the way the Times article does. You don’t have to do percentages but can simply give a number with some context. For example, you might write, “Number of relatives I have seen on Zoom in the last week: 14. Before the pandemic, I’d never seen anyone on Zoom, and I talked to my aunts and uncles only a few times a year. Now we have meet-ups online every Saturday.”

# of times I have been out of my house per week: before the circuit breaker: 5-6

after the circuit breaker: 1-3

# of ZOOM/GOOGLE MEET sessions per week: before the circuit breaker: 0-1

after the circuit breaker: 20+ (including school classes)

# of times I have had exercise outside of my house (including tennis/swimming within the condominium):

before the circuit breaker: 6-9 times

after the circuit breaker: 1 (facilities are closed)

These numbers can tell a lot about my current situation during the lockdown/circuit breaker which is very interesting. As it represents your activity as well as time spent on certain things (e.g. computer).

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