Little Fires Everywhere – questions regarding the real Shaker Heights

What are your thoughts on some of the issues raised in the article and in the video? Are there any clear solutions? Where does responsibility lie?

Some of the issues raised in this article are often those related to racial inequality. As many people know, Shaker Heights was built with the aim to achieve racial equality and social diversity. However, after 60 years of trying to tackle this problem, many people thought that: “Maybe trying isn’t enough”.

In some schools in Shaker Heights, teachers often get asked questions regarding racial inequality, for example, one asked: “why did you say that my child needs to be moved down to a lower algebra class, but you have never mentioned how to use the resources to help her stay in the current class?”

Clearly, after 60 years, although racial inequality has been drastically improved in this region, it is not eliminated. As some people say: “There is still a long way to go.”

With a problem there often comes solutions and responsibility. I believe the best solution is to change everyone’s mindset because clearly some people think that people with other races can’t fit into our race’s environment, but it turns out that those people never tried. Thus, by changing our mindset and believe that everyone is equal with now awkwardness between each other, it is a good start on the road to equality.


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