Elena Richardson and her friend, Phone call, Little Fires Everywhere

(With this photo from the scene in mind, create a phone call between Elena Richardson and her friend)

(Shawn and I worked together to create this dialogue)

Elena: you have no idea what just happened at the concert tonight… 

Friend: What happened? You sound like if you are terrified?

Elena: Izzie, that girl…

Friend: Oh, about Izzie, what happened to her? Is she ok?

Elena: Something’s wrong with her. She took a blank marker and wrote on her face… “I’m not your puppet” What does that even mean? 

Friend: What’s wrong with her? Have you had conflicts? A child would not do that…

Elena: No, I just told her to dress properly 

Friend: Perhaps she doesn’t like the way you tell her to dress? You are such a great mother! How can she refuse you!

Elena: She has no choice, if you want to be successful, you have to dress well. I don’t know how to tell her that. 

Friend: Phew.. children are like this. They fight back to whatever their parents say to them. Izzie is just amongst the worst of them.

Elena: But my other children don’t fight back. Normal children won’t draw on their faces….. She has no friends at school too! 

Friend: I am sorry to hear that Elena.. Have some rest and hopefully everything will be better.

Elena: Bye, thanks for the support.

Friend: Bye, you will get over it soon. 


One thought on “Elena Richardson and her friend, Phone call, Little Fires Everywhere

  1. This is good – this shows clearly how Elena sees herself, the comparisons she makes between Izzy and her other children and it shows how others see her.

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